Fall 2008 English 202


Link to ENGL 202 Dsites Organize Page

Spring 2008 English 202


Blog Login - For Individual Student Writing


Fall 2007

202 Switchboard
- Notices, Class Activities and Assignments

We'll do a number of web based activities over the course of the semester. Please bookmark this page as your portal into e-resources. I think you'll enjoy a number of elements of this course-- including the focus on the "digital world " as a theme-- which is designed to allow you to explore exciting new research and collaboration tools even as you write about them.

Links to Textspace Wiki for ENGL 202
Textspace Wiki - Collaboration Zone


Dr. Kenneth Sherwood


Office: Sutton 340.**Alternate hours held at the Commonplace Coffeehouse here


Why the Web? Words take shape in specific places and contexts, against backgrounds which are sometimes invisible. There was a time when the printed book was cutting edge. It shaped how people read, wrote, thought, and saw the world. We live in the age of digial video, smart phones, text messaging, file-sharing, podcasts, wikis, blogs, and 3D game environments.

Who is listening? Should I be formal or relaxed? Am I typing for a web "page" or dragging my fountain pen across paper? In my teaching, research, and creative work, I'm convinced that it's important to become aware of the materiality or medium.

The use of web-based writing environments with my students is part of this project. This is an ongoing experiment. I consider the selection of writing and presentational tools part of my course design. It should be exciting, you should also be aware that all these pages and tools are setup and maintained independent of IUP. I generally make use of community developed, open-source software. For better and worse, I am your "tech" support. These pages may break! Please save your work, print, make backups often...


Spring 2008 English 395 Modernism





Fall 2007771/881 Media|Materiality|Poetics
Topics in Postmodern Literature

Switchboard |WIKI

Literature has been directly engaged with technological change and its mediation of language for at least the duration of the modernist period—from telegraph, radio, magazine, newspaper and book typesetting, to the fax, tv, personal computer, desktop publishing, networking, and digital multi-media production. This term, we will consider the poetics of electronic literature (i.e. the text-oriented subset of new media) from experiential, aesthetic, theoretical, and historical perspectives.


Summer 2007 Ethnopoetics
